image of a state building

Kaysville City Chamber of Commerce

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City of Kaysville

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Local Business Walkabout

Walk around to different local companies

Meet local business owners



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Latest News...

A rabbit on main street regurgitated old man ron's lost shoes. The rabbit was also found to be in great shape and was not hurt.


Local Coding Group

Come join the local coding groups in the area. From simple basics with block code to more complex languages, we have you covered.

icon that is code

Kaysville Library

Need a great book to sit down and read for a while? the local library is a great place to grab a book or use a computer and sit in quiet while studying or relaxing.

Davis County Library.

Community Programs

Looking for a great community program to volunteer for? these are the best local programs to not only join yourself, but friends and family can also join in on the fun. there is something for everyone!

check out more stuff here.


Discover how to join the chamber of commerce and how it will benefit your organization!